Happy 90th Sir Ken!
Short and sweet- I'd like to wish one of the greatest comedians to have graced this planet, Sir Ken Dodd, a very Happy 90th Birthday....

New arrival!
A new member of the family is always a fabulous reason to celebrate and this one is no exception. Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like you to...

Wet wellies!
I'm not going to say a great deal about this image as I think it largely speaks for itself. It's 'that' time of year again (Autumn/Fall)...

At the end of the day
I've been revisiting a few of my older photos, reprocessing the raw files with the latest versions of the RAW converter (in this case,...

Clouds and silver linings
We were looking forward to a well earned break in the sun (Gran Canaria to be exact). We generally stay at a private complex owned by...

Zoom with a view
I'd wager that the vast majority of keen amateur and professional photographers have a 70-200 lens in their kit bag or something very...

My boy Barney
Self indulgence time. There are 4 great loves in my life: my wonderful hard working and very patient partner, photography, a nice bottle...

"I do" ... or is that "I might"?
I first started my life as a full time professional photographer about 16 years ago (shocking how time passes by). In that time I have...

Santa has come early!
I just couldn't hold out any longer. I have ordered a new Nikon D850 plus battery grip from those great people at Wex Photographic. They...

Bring on the clowns!
It's Political Conference time in the UK when those who would be our political 'masters' preach to the converted (their party faithful)...