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"I do" ... or is that "I might"?

I first started my life as a full time professional photographer about 16 years ago (shocking how time passes by). In that time I have photographed everything from cans of Coke to Prime Ministers and members of the Royal Family.

Wedding photographer Blackpool
Wedding photography Blackpool

Without a doubt though, the most satisfaction came from my long period as a wedding photographer. It's incredibly hard work. Few people realise the concentration, physical demands and energy that are required of the photographer on the day as well as the immense amount of preparation beforehand and the hours/days spent editing the images afterwards, however, I found this was mitigated by the immense satisfaction from a job well done - knowing you have made a huge contribution to making it one of the happiest days in the life of a newly married couple. I stopped photographing weddings a few years ago concentrating on other work instead but although I constantly get requests to photograph a wedding as a 'one off', I have always resisted plunging back into the wedding maelstrom.

Recent events though have made me have a long hard think and I started to look through some of the images from my favourite venues. As Sean Connery once said when asked if he'd ever do another James Bond, "Never say Never".

A few examples of some of my wedding wirk can be found here

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