Shooting famous people

I was chatting to a friend yesterday and mentioned how for me, one of the really enjoyable aspects of being a photographer, is getting to meet such a variety of people from all walks of life in all manner of situations. Naturally the conversation turned to famous people I have met. I have to say, I have completely lost count of the household names I have met and also have to admit there have been many occasions where I have been sent by an agency or PR company to photographer the latest 'celebrity' (usually from a soap) and I have no idea who they are. I've met and photographed so many from Royalty, Politicians, through performers to sports stars but every now and then you meet someone who really makes an impression. For me, one of the 'stand out' people I met was Peter Andre. I was asked to photograph him for a newspaper during his tour with his 'one man' show.
It was arranged I'd get to see him in his dressing room before his show accompanied by a reporter who would interview him. After the interview / photo shoot, we were chatting and I mentioned to him that on my way in I had passed about 30 or 40 young teenagers outside the stage door who were obviously prepared to wait until his show was over for a chance to see their idol.
Bearing in mind he was due to go on stage in about 30 minutes, he immediately got up and accompanied me outside where he proceeded to chat, sign autographs and pose for selfies with every single one of them.
He made so many people happy that day and also gained another fan.