Santa has come early!
I just couldn't hold out any longer. I have ordered a new Nikon D850 plus battery grip from those great people at Wex Photographic. They...

Cards on the table: I know next to nothing about steam locomotives (other than I know NOT to call them steam trains or else face the...

Decisions, decisions!
Normally I am not one to be seduced by the lure of shiny new kit. Let's face it, the major manufacturers change models more often than...

Up close and personal
I first became interested in photography as a spin off from my first love as a kid which was butterflies, moths and all manner of other...

Rain doesn't have to stop play.
You look out of the window and it's pouring down. Very frustrating and particularly so if you're a keen photographer with an itchy...

The dSLR Oscar Wilde would have bought
When Oscar Wilde famously said "I can resist everything but temptation" it's a safe bet he didn't have the Nikon D810 in mind but I like...